The location is the Barbakán Square in Pécs, right next to the castle wall, but on the outside of it. As in the past, the world is variegated outside the castle wall, a mixture of many different atmospheres, styles and characters. On the south there are small houses and closed streets of the traditional suburbs, on the west there is an atmosphere of unpretentious residential area with adequate supplies - identical cube houses, old garage rows, neglected stores, graffiti - on the north there are mixed buildings next to the busy road, on the east, on the other side of the square there is the castle wall, the trees and the Barbican with composed evenness.
Ferenc Cságoly, Ferenc Keller, Iván Nagy, Tamás Fialovszky, Gábor Sajtos
Pécs, Hungary
Porta Barbakán Ltd.
Attila Polgár, Zsolt Batár
2006 Brick Award 1st prize
Pécs, Hungary
Porta Barbakán Ltd.
Attila Polgár, Zsolt Batár
2006 Brick Award 1st prize